

"No person in 美国nited States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to 歧视 under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 


报告选项 & 程序



第九条 is a federal law that prohibits 歧视 based on sex or gender in educational programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance.  例子 of programs and activities that are subject to 第九条 include admissions, recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, athletics, housing, and employment.  第九条保护 students and 员工 from sexual harassment, including sexual violence, such as rape, relationship violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct or gender-based 歧视. Tech collectively refers to these prohibited behaviors or conduct 性行为不端. 的se prohibited behaviors are also considered a violation of ag亚游集团App下载’s 不当性行为政策 that applies to all Tech’s students and 员工.

ag亚游集团App下载’s 第九条协调员 monitors and oversees the university’s compliance with 第九条 and related laws in the prevention of sex harassment and 歧视. This includes the coordination of education and training activities and the response 对第九条的投诉. Students, faculty, administrators, staff, or others who participate in Tech’s education programs and activities with questions, concerns, or complaints about sex/gender-based 歧视, stalking, intimate partner violence, sex harassment or other forms of sexual misconduct are encouraged to 联系 Tech’s 第九条协调员:


Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 835-5953关.
(575) 322-0001室.
电子邮件: titleixcoordinator@aaay5.com 

Dr. Phaiah is available to meet with students or 员工 who need information or guidance about gender-based, sexual misconduct, and 第九条 offenses. 正常的办公室 hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. 直到下午5点.m. 但是任命也是 能在其他时间做吗. 

第九条 inquiries can also be directed to:


平权行动/平等就业机会委员会主任 &
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 835-5005.
电子邮件: 兰迪.saavedra@aaay5.com 


Socorro, NM 87801
电子邮件:  特蕾莎.kappel@aaay5.com

有关更多信息,请参见 ag亚游集团App下载 不当性行为政策 or 程序 for Reporting Incidents of Misconduct or 第九条 Offenses below.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to 联系 us.


Some of you may have heard about new regulations recently issued by 美国.S. 部门 of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR). 科技公司已经初步修改了它的 ag亚游集团App下载 不当性行为政策  accordingly and to be in compliance with, the Clery Act, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and applicable New Mexico law. T在这里 is a need to continually to collaborate with many constituents to address those related issues that outside the scope or jusidiction of 第九条 but that are still needed and will be covered by the NMT Sexual Misconduct policy and our Student Code of Conduct. Tech remains firmly committed to our work in preventing, educating, and responding to issues of sexual misconduct and intimate 合作伙伴/关系暴力.    


的 following policies and procedures govern Tech’s response to complaints of sexual 不当行为和被禁止的行为:


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended (sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment), is a federal law that protects the privacy of education records of all students enrolled in schools beyond 高中水平. Schools are required to maintain that privacy, primarily by restricting release of records and the access provided to those records. FERPA下, education records are defined as records that are directly related to a student and are maintained by an education 机构或机构 or by a party acting for the 机构或机构. 的 information may be recorded in any way, including, but not limited to, handwriting, print, computer media, videotape, audiotape, film, microfilm, 缩微胶卷和电子邮件.

Any educational institution that receives funds under any program administered by 美国.S. Secretary of Education is bound by FERPA requirements. 机构, fail to comply with FERPA may have funds administered by the Secretary of Education 保留. 美国.S. 部门 of Education maintains a website with information about FERPA.

Students may grant the 第九条办公室 permission to release information about their records to a third party (including parents, step-parents, etc.),填妥 FERPA在线授权. Please notice, you must complete a separate entry for each parent, family member, or other individual to whom you wish to grant access to 有关您个案的资料.  请点击 在这里 才能拿到释放表格. If you do not have a Tech student account, please 联系 titleixcoordinator@aaay5.com 通过电子邮件获取表格.  

Once completed and submitted to the 第九条办公室, we will reach out to student to confirm that the Authorization is in place.  


Complainant’s Rights Related to Sex-based Discrimination/Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, Relationship Violence, and 报复 Cases

但ndent’s Rights Related to Sex-based Discrimination/Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, Relationship Violence, and 报复 Cases


While 美国niversity encourages an individual who has experienced sexual misconduct to make an official report, whether the person chooses to do so, they are urged to 寻求适当的帮助. T在这里 are numerous resources and interim safety measures for students and 员工 on campus at NMT or externally in the community or region. Specific resources, either on or off campus for medical treatment, legal evidence collection, obtaining information, support, counseling, understand rights, and officially reporting an incident of sexual misconduct are listed below: 

NMT Sexual Misconduct 报告选项 & 程序

NMT Sexual Misconduct 报告选项 & 程序——西班牙语Vesrion




社区资源 & 合作伙伴:

Confidential Reporting Options/资源 for NMT Students:

机密报告ing Options/资源 for NMT Employees:


Required  Sexual Misconduct and 第九条 Awareness Training for New Students

Required Sexual Misconduct and 第九条 Awareness Training for New Employees

Required Sexual Misconduct and 第九条 Awareness Training for New Employees (Spanish 版)

Required 第九条协调员 Training

Required 第九章调查员 Training

Required 第九条 Adjudicator Training

Trauma Informed Practices in 第九条

第九条 Update: 2024Final Regulations


Teen Dating Violence Can Lead To Homicide — And Girls Are 的 Most Common Victims (NPR, 2019年4月15日)

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, 政策和实践(CDC)


Employees' Obligation to Report Sexual Misconduct to the Campus 第九条办公室

NMT 但nsible Employees Talking Points & 常见问题解答

How to Fulfill Your 但nsible Employee Obligations





Campus Climate Surveys on Sexual Misconduct





Please 联系 NMT’s 第九条协调员 at titleixcoordinator@aaay5.com  or (575) 835-5953 了解更多信息.